One thing has to change next year! When someone decided that you should have a limit as to how many times you can steal a gift during dirty santa, it was for a very good reason! My brothers and uncles went around in circles with the tools for a good 40 minutes....we played 2 rounds so that each person would end up with 2 gifts, this game lasted well over 2 hours....which was ridicules! I was ready for it to be over. My uncle finally came to his senses and picked a gift that his wife wanted and ended the madness. I ended up with a sushi making kit (which justin will love) and a HUGE box of chocolates and a little tabletop fountain.
Lots of good food and good times with family. I'm so glad Christmas isn't for another year, sad, I know. Hopefully next year Justin and I will actually be able to afford Christmas, however there is nothing wrong with being frugal and making gifts. Next year it's Christmas with the Hunter Clan!
P.S. Go see "Yes Man"!!! There wasn't a single second in that movie that wasn't funny! It's PG-13 minus one disturbing part involving an old lady....ugghh it gives me the creeps just thinking about it!
Hope you all enjoyed your day!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It's not the same this year...
I miss snow. Having 75 Degree weather on Christmas is not normal.
I miss my other family (Justin's) who fight but are actually quite functional!
I miss the Christmas lights that line Cedar Citie's main street.
I miss Christmas Eve mass.
Most of all I miss Justin. He is working doubles on Christmas, so I decided to celebrate with my side of the family this year instead of sitting at home alone....they are already driving me nuts. I hope Justin will enjoy spreading cheer at the hospital tomorrow! I should be making the best of this great opportunity to spend time with family but it's just not the same without my Justin.
I miss my other family (Justin's) who fight but are actually quite functional!
I miss the Christmas lights that line Cedar Citie's main street.
I miss Christmas Eve mass.
Most of all I miss Justin. He is working doubles on Christmas, so I decided to celebrate with my side of the family this year instead of sitting at home alone....they are already driving me nuts. I hope Justin will enjoy spreading cheer at the hospital tomorrow! I should be making the best of this great opportunity to spend time with family but it's just not the same without my Justin.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I hate hate hate the restaurant business.
Saturday I had an impossible table. I was rushed since I was double sat, if you don't know what that's like imagine expecting only one baby and then finding out its twins at the due date and having 2 other small children to deal with at the same time. I was doing exceptionally well! Towards the end of their meal they ask for a manager and complain that I was the worst server they had ever had! Are you serious? I was totally oblivious to the fact that they might ever be upset. Apparently they were upset from the very beginning, from the drinks to the salads all the way to the very expensive steaks and exspensive bar drinks...they even said that I SLAMMED their check on the table and had a bad attitude. My coworkers couldnt beleive it "What? Val acting unpleasant?, that's rare". So I sucked it up...well okay not really, I bawled I was so upset by this table treating me like dirt. In the end they got their entire meal for free (it was a 60 dollar bill) and my manager sent me home. In it for a free meal? I think so!
Also if your gonna leave less than a 15 percent tip you shouldn't be eating out PERIOD!!!!!!! If it wasn't for servers your food would be more expensive. Plus when I get cheapos I feel like I am dust under the rug to them!
Saturday I had an impossible table. I was rushed since I was double sat, if you don't know what that's like imagine expecting only one baby and then finding out its twins at the due date and having 2 other small children to deal with at the same time. I was doing exceptionally well! Towards the end of their meal they ask for a manager and complain that I was the worst server they had ever had! Are you serious? I was totally oblivious to the fact that they might ever be upset. Apparently they were upset from the very beginning, from the drinks to the salads all the way to the very expensive steaks and exspensive bar drinks...they even said that I SLAMMED their check on the table and had a bad attitude. My coworkers couldnt beleive it "What? Val acting unpleasant?, that's rare". So I sucked it up...well okay not really, I bawled I was so upset by this table treating me like dirt. In the end they got their entire meal for free (it was a 60 dollar bill) and my manager sent me home. In it for a free meal? I think so!
Also if your gonna leave less than a 15 percent tip you shouldn't be eating out PERIOD!!!!!!! If it wasn't for servers your food would be more expensive. Plus when I get cheapos I feel like I am dust under the rug to them!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I know, still no pictures. My computer has the influenza that plaques many of us in these cold months only he's inanimate...anywho, my comp is getting debugged next week so I will finally be able to upload some pictures. I will also be getting all of my wedding photos this week....FINALLY!
My friend Ashley is getting married and she asked me to be a I will be doing that next week and spending thanksgiving for the first time in 3 years with my fam! Also...I have 2 people that want me to do photos! A lady that justin works with wants christmas photos of her and her dogs, and I also have kids portraits coming up. I'm looking forward to this practice, I really need it because I want to be the best I can be and I love love love photography! I find myself picking apart every photo I see lately I can finally distinguish between great and not so great photography, I know what it takes to produce a good photo.
Mr. Justin is working at Healthsouth Hospital as a Restorative Nurses Aid...pretty much a glorified CNA, but better pay. He likes riding his bike everywhere and buying new things to add to it. Other than that not much is new.
My friend Ashley is getting married and she asked me to be a I will be doing that next week and spending thanksgiving for the first time in 3 years with my fam! Also...I have 2 people that want me to do photos! A lady that justin works with wants christmas photos of her and her dogs, and I also have kids portraits coming up. I'm looking forward to this practice, I really need it because I want to be the best I can be and I love love love photography! I find myself picking apart every photo I see lately I can finally distinguish between great and not so great photography, I know what it takes to produce a good photo.
Mr. Justin is working at Healthsouth Hospital as a Restorative Nurses Aid...pretty much a glorified CNA, but better pay. He likes riding his bike everywhere and buying new things to add to it. Other than that not much is new.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
aaahhggg, here we go again....
I'm so frustrated by how far Heavenly Father's children have strayed away. If they would just bend their knees and forget their own matters this economy would not be struggling, Disasters would not be so consistant. This is what it takes for Heavenly Father to remind us why we are really here. While God is giving his children opportunities, they are kicking him to the curb and taking all of the credit. I'm glad heavenly father is doing something about it. Yes, it is a scary time, but I think if we do the things that we keep hearing, time and time again from the Prophet and Apostles, we'll be fine.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I have never been one to stick to a TV show for an entire season. But, for once in my life I have time to watch not only one but eight different TV shows. Thanks to the Biggest Loser I learned that you can lose weight and watch T.V. at the same time. Commercial breaks are usually three minutes long so if you do jumping jacks on those breaks you will lose 300 calories in during one episode. This way I don't feel guilty for watching so much TV.
Here are some pictures of Justin and I and what things we have been into lately. sd card reader is broken pictures! sorry
Here are some pictures of Justin and I and what things we have been into lately. sd card reader is broken pictures! sorry
Thursday, September 18, 2008

We are in Charleston now. It's pretty, I dont have anymore pictures for you. I have filled up all of my memory cards and I dont delete my photos so until I buy a new one you prob wont see any so I will leave you with my favorite bridal photo (My friend Shad Munford took all of the wedding photos and bridal+engagements- he's awesome). I still haven't gotten any wedding day photos back yet, I'm working on it.
Justin and I went to the beach for the second time this week, Justin is a little beach happy. After swimming like fish for an hour we had dinner on a deck overlooking the ocean and listened to live Reggae music, it was pretty sweet! No one had visited us yet: ( Family and friends are about a 4 hour drive away. They better take advantage of it now while we are so close!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Our Latest!
I'm officially a Hunter as of August 23rd! Being married is fun and hopefully it will stay fun. Honestly things are no different now, it's just like it was when we were dating accept we get to have overnight sleepovers;)
Well BIG news: We will be house sitting in South Carolina for the next 4 months, and only 25 minutes from the beach. We drive out on thursday night to beat the heat. I'm very excited for this move! Justin and I are young, with no kids, and no boundaries. So we are taking online classes and finding a full time job as soon as we arrive. I can't wait to meet the people in our new FAMILY ward! I'm excited about this because there is something different about LDS members outside of Utah. They are so full with excitement for the gospel. When I lived in North Carolina I always felt like I was more dedicated to the church and was on a spiritual high constantly! Justin is stoked to be living in Charleston as well. It's a beautiful colonial town rich in history. Oh yeah and alot of jelly fish for the time being (those dang tropical storms). I got stung when we were there a month ago, and no, Justin did not pee on my leg, thanks to my handy dandy hydrocortisone cream it took the sting right out! I will add pictures when we get settled into our new home!!
Well BIG news: We will be house sitting in South Carolina for the next 4 months, and only 25 minutes from the beach. We drive out on thursday night to beat the heat. I'm very excited for this move! Justin and I are young, with no kids, and no boundaries. So we are taking online classes and finding a full time job as soon as we arrive. I can't wait to meet the people in our new FAMILY ward! I'm excited about this because there is something different about LDS members outside of Utah. They are so full with excitement for the gospel. When I lived in North Carolina I always felt like I was more dedicated to the church and was on a spiritual high constantly! Justin is stoked to be living in Charleston as well. It's a beautiful colonial town rich in history. Oh yeah and alot of jelly fish for the time being (those dang tropical storms). I got stung when we were there a month ago, and no, Justin did not pee on my leg, thanks to my handy dandy hydrocortisone cream it took the sting right out! I will add pictures when we get settled into our new home!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Where did the time go!!!??
"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!!!"
I feel like the rabbit in Alice In Wonderland with it's head chopped off.
Weeks ago I was sick of waiting to get married, now I wish I could rewind!! There is still so much to do. I have to get 400 announcements ready by next friday, I have to get 6 cavities filled, go to the dermatologist because the sun ruined my skin and any other appoinments I can fit in before my mom's wonderful insurance is gone, I'm working doubles next weds, thurs and friday, I need to get my wedding dress altered, get my bridals done and get my interviews done for my endowments all before I leave for north carolina on the 23rd! Is one week a feesible time frame? I think not....I can get it done if I cut out eating, sleeping and breathing. Bleh!
Other than that...I have lovely In-laws! They are coming to Cedar a day early next week to help me get my announcements finished. Justin is coming tonight!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Life kept going...I'm still trying to catch up!
Okay, So I don't think I got the job with Karl Hugh, a little upsetting, but with the little experience that I have, it was worth a shot right? At my interview, Karl and I spoke about my doing an internship with him in the future. Want to know how this will be so much better than being his photo editor? I would get to follow him around to photo shoots, and learn a plethora of photog tips and business management skills...this is exactly what I need. It seems like things have worked out in my favor. I have been working at a therapeutic home for young girls and I absolutely love it! Another perk to not getting the photo job. I was dreading the thought of having to quit, I love working with the girls because I can see how my influence is helping them change their lives which is such a big reward! They draw me pictures, tell me their deepest secrets, and tell me that they love me, if anything, they are helping me ! BEST JOB EVER!
Shifting to the wedding plans...Everything is fitting in it's place, slowly but surely. It's been stressful, my mind is constantly running at night, thinking about plans, I stay up till 2 in the morning now! I just can't wait to finally start my life with Justin, for life to slow down, just a tad!
School: I'm pulling a full 18 credit load this fall, I have never done this before, and I hope to succeed! They are all ART classes, and I am semi-excited to learn more about my profession, I just don't want to get burnt out. I will need to make time for work and most importantly- time to be a WIFE. I feel like time is going by way too fast, I feel like I'm old already, maybe that has something to do with being 20 years old and already getting married...oh well, I found the right person, I see no need to hold off! Okay, I know that has nothing to do with school it just flowed in....It's officially 3 in the morning, the latest I have stayed up since living with crazy-loud roommates, freshman year! GOODNIGHT!
P.S. I thought this sounded so "pretty": Bachelor of Fine Art in Studio Arts w/ a Minor in Photography and Digital Design. That will be me in 2 years!
Shifting to the wedding plans...Everything is fitting in it's place, slowly but surely. It's been stressful, my mind is constantly running at night, thinking about plans, I stay up till 2 in the morning now! I just can't wait to finally start my life with Justin, for life to slow down, just a tad!
School: I'm pulling a full 18 credit load this fall, I have never done this before, and I hope to succeed! They are all ART classes, and I am semi-excited to learn more about my profession, I just don't want to get burnt out. I will need to make time for work and most importantly- time to be a WIFE. I feel like time is going by way too fast, I feel like I'm old already, maybe that has something to do with being 20 years old and already getting married...oh well, I found the right person, I see no need to hold off! Okay, I know that has nothing to do with school it just flowed in....It's officially 3 in the morning, the latest I have stayed up since living with crazy-loud roommates, freshman year! GOODNIGHT!
P.S. I thought this sounded so "pretty": Bachelor of Fine Art in Studio Arts w/ a Minor in Photography and Digital Design. That will be me in 2 years!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Ree-sep-shons aarr ee-zee pee zee lem-mon SQUEEEZY!
Making wedding stuff is fun. I made the guestbook today and the centerpieces for the all i need to do is get my bridal photos done, bring in the flowers, the food, music, a moon bounce, ponies, mariachi band,, slip'n slides, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, a pool filled with cilantro ranch from Costa Vida, Niel Diamonds white tigers, and Minnie and Mickey Mouse to greet the guests as they arrive and I'm set. Who ever said planning a reception was hard?!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Amateur Photographer
Im making a big investment in a camera point and shoot does not satisfy my addiction.
Hopefully the sooner it arrives the sooner I can start to develop more in my skills and create an excellent portfolio of all of you family members and friends better use me now while the sessions are FREE! I need the experience anyways.
Anyways, I thought I would include some of my work thus far.
Comments appreciated!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Woohoooo logging is going to be fun fun fun!
Okay, I finally started one. We'll see who will actually read this.
BUT! I'm about to head to Las Vegas to see my Justin.
I will add more details later!
BUT! I'm about to head to Las Vegas to see my Justin.
I will add more details later!
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