Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

One thing has to change next year! When someone decided that you should have a limit as to how many times you can steal a gift during dirty santa, it was for a very good reason! My brothers and uncles went around in circles with the tools for a good 40 minutes....we played 2 rounds so that each person would end up with 2 gifts, this game lasted well over 2 hours....which was ridicules! I was ready for it to be over. My uncle finally came to his senses and picked a gift that his wife wanted and ended the madness. I ended up with a sushi making kit (which justin will love) and a HUGE box of chocolates and a little tabletop fountain.

Lots of good food and good times with family. I'm so glad Christmas isn't for another year, sad, I know. Hopefully next year Justin and I will actually be able to afford Christmas, however there is nothing wrong with being frugal and making gifts. Next year it's Christmas with the Hunter Clan!

P.S. Go see "Yes Man"!!! There wasn't a single second in that movie that wasn't funny! It's PG-13 minus one disturbing part involving an old lady....ugghh it gives me the creeps just thinking about it!

Hope you all enjoyed your day!

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